2-Year Blueprint for Organizations During and Post Covid-19 - NASSCOM Community

Started by Raghav, September 19, 2020, 03:29:39 PM

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2020 has brought a new level of challenges for economies around the world, more like the climax of an impending recession brewing up throughout 2019. With the seemingly unending Covid-19 pandemic – individuals, organizations, nations – everyone is affected. A global demand slowdown is imminent, India has been experiencing it for quite some time now.

The good news is, that this too shall pass. Winston Churchill is credited with first saying "Never let a good crisis go to waste", while approaching the end of World War II. Leaders have an important role to play right now. You are expected to carry a positive and progressive mindset and act with integrity, grace and poise while navigating the challenges that lay ahead. You must leverage this crisis to create a strong foundation for long term sustainability and rapid growth in the next few months.

Read more @ https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6683927137575030784/

The Chief Dreamer

I feel Corporates should also understand that the problem is not going away soon and need to plan for the next 5 years accordingly.

A total new approach and strategy is required. Bold moves are required.

In the past, during similar economic crisises, technology and internet weren't around. Today, we are connected easily and that could play a major role in the revival of the failing economy in a smaller timeframe.
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