
Started by Mohdmunna, June 16, 2021, 08:32:57 PM

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Chairman's Letter
On August 29, 2021, Happiest Minds will complete ten years from the date of launch.
The theme of my letter is therefore looking back at the last decade and looking
ahead to the next.
However, before that, it is my painful duty to talk about the havoc being brought by
the Coronavirus in our country. Most of the developed world has largely recovered and
their economies are back to their pre-COVID levels. Sadly, in India we are reeling under
the onslaught of the second wave which has found us ill-prepared.
The virus continues to mutate, and we must keep adapting. In the first wave,
fatalities were largely among the elderly. In the current wave, young adults in the
prime of their careers have lost their lives. We, at Happiest Minds have not been
spared. During the fortnight preceding the date of this letter, we lost 5 of our fine
young men with promising careers and 38 family members. The pervasiveness and
infectiousness of the virus in the current wave can be gauged by the fact that 8% of
our team tested positive as on 17th May, of whom 26% had to be hospitalized. We are
hoping that no effort will be spared to increase the pace of vaccinations to stem any
further resurgence of infections or a possible 3rd wave. When the pace of vaccinations
should have been increasing exponentially, the vaccination rate has been declining
every day, due to an extreme shortage of vaccines.
The low coverage of population vaccinated makes India more vulnerable to a potential
third wave which, by the looks of it, will increasingly attack young children. The scary
situation further increases the need for vaccine availability. The Central Government
On August 29, 2021,
Happiest Minds will
complete ten years from
the date of launch.
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C o r p o r a t e O v e r v i e w
A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 0 2 0 - 2 1 5
will now procure vaccines and make them available to the States. Still, it is going
to be months before volumes ramp up, backlogs cleared and younger population
below 18 years can get a chance to be vaccinated. We can only pray India doesn't
have to face a third wave in the next six months, as that is the minimum period needed
to prepare for a new onslaught on the nation's health.
Looking back at the first decade
The highlight for Happiest Minds' first decade was our successful IPO, the first to be
filed and completed during the lockdown and completely digitally executed. The record
response by the shareholders in terms of oversubscription and appreciation of the
share price on listing day placed a huge burden of responsibility on the leadership team
and we are happy that we have been able to fulfill all our promises.
However, the IPO was only the culmination of all that we have done since inception.
This includes the investment from year one to build the organization we aspired to
become. The vibrant culture based on our SMILES Values, (Sharing, Mindful, Integrity,
Learning, Excellence and Social responsibility) which won us industry leading ratings
from Glassdoor® and innumerable recognitions from Great Place to Work® Institute
(India). It was gratifying that in the last year we broke our own record levels, getting
4.3/5.0 in Glassdoor and 92% of our team said Happiest Minds is a great place to work.
Our lives have been dedicated to achieving the Happiest Minds Mission: Happiest
People . Happiest Customers. We are grateful to our customers who have supported
us from inception. Some of them have been with us from the first year and in one case a
CTO who was also our very first customer, has been our customer thrice over, showing
his faith in our delivery and leadership teams. The evidence of our dedication and
customer response comes through in the NPS score from our customer satisfaction
surveys. This year our customers gave us a record NPS score of 57.
Thought leadership is very important in the knowledge industry and we have focused
on this from the very beginning. We proactively invested in new technologies which
in turn matured into Centers of Excellence – Analytics (Big Data & AI), Internet of
Things (IoT), Digital Process Automation (DPA). As disruptions happened in traditional
technologies, we also developed skills like Software Defined Networking (SDN),
DevOps etc. Along with these areas, we continue to invest in next-generation digital
technologies like Blockchain, Robotics & Drones and Virtual/Augmented Reality.
Many leading Industry analysts like Gartner®, Zinnov®, Forrester®, Everest®, IDC®,
ISG®, HfS®, Avasant® and our technology partners recognized our innovation in these
areas – few examples are:
• Recognized by Intel's Winner Circle Program as a Solution Plus Partner for
contributing towards the acceleration of 5G and virtual network transformation
• Leading Product Engineering & Digital Transformation Analyst organization ranked
and recognized us in multiple areas like ER&D Services, Product Engineering Internet
of Things Engineering & Services, RPA etc.
Our lives have been
dedicated to achieving
the Happiest Minds
Mission: 'Happiest People .
Happiest Customers'.
We are grateful to
our customers who
have supported us
from inception.
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C o r p o r a t e O v e r v i e w
A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 0 2 0
Mohammed Shariff