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Import cover of reserves may fall even at $600billion

Started by Reeta, June 18, 2021, 07:08:33 PM

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India's foreign exchange reserves which crossed the $600 billion marks may be deceptive as the import cover of reserves - the number of months' imports that the reserves can finance - is expected to slip to less than 15 months' imports given the imports projection for FY'22 from the near current adequacy of 20 months' imports, an RBI research paper said.

India's central bank amassed $100 billion in just about 12 months despite the pandemic induced lockdown disrupting economic activity globally. This is the fastest pile up in reserves since the global financial crisis as the reserves crossed the $600 billion mark earlier this month. The reserves are at $605 billion as of June 4, the latest official data indicates and India is now the fifth-largest holder of forex reserves.

Even at these levels, the reserves' cushion may not be a very comfortable one. "In terms of projected imports for 2021-22, the current level of reserves provides cover for less than 15 months, which is lower than for other major reserve holders" warns a paper authored by RBI deputy governor Michael Patra and his team of economists published in the latest monthly bulletin. These are lower than other major holders of reserves - Switzerland (39 months); Japan (22 months); Russia (20 months); and China (16 months), the paper points.

The import cover at the current levels of imports and reserves as of June 04 is estimated at 19.6 months' imports. A surge in imports is factored as prices of crude which accounts for a fifth of India's import bill and other commodities are rising. India's merchandise imports grew by more than 50 per cent in May 2021 due to a low base a year ago. " As compared to the lockdown a year ago, the recent restrictions have had a limited impact on import demand" notes the paper.

Besides meeting importers' demand, forex reserves would be also needed for servicing external debt. " While foreign exchange reserves provide cushions against unforeseen external shocks, levels are often deceptive, and a better gauge of external vulnerability is an assessment of specific indicators," the paper said.

In terms of external vulnerability indicators, as of the end of December'20, reserves were 104 per cent of the total external debt of $536 billion, short-term debt in terms of residual maturity of up to less than a year are about 43 per cent and external debt to GDP is at 21 per cent. All these indicators do not cause alarm on the face of it. But the catch is that India's external liabilities far exceed its external assets."

India's reserves co-exist with a net international investment position of (-) 12.9 per cent of GDP. These factors warrant a pragmatic assessment of reserve adequacy on FX reserves, including exposure to valuation changes and market risk in a world of heightened global uncertainty" the paper said.

Reeta D
(ITES -Chennai)